Sponsor A Ghana 2025 Team Participant

Ghana 2025 Trip - March 31st to April 10th, 2025

Sponsor a Ghana 2025 Participant

You can etransfer your donation (pibanking2023@gmail.com), write a cheque made out to "Possibilities International" or donate via PayPal.  Please be sure to place an indicator on your donation as to what/whom it is directed to.

  • Corey Chafe

    Always wanted to go to Africa.  What better way to go than with my wife, and to be involved impacting the hurting, helpless, and hopeless! 

    ($0 Left Owing)

  • Camilla Kerrigan-Chafe

    I cannot wait to interact with the children at the Assurance of Hope Children's Home.  It has been a dream of mine to go to Africa.  I cannot wait for April 2025.  ($0  Left Owing)

  • Tiffany Clark

    Serving with Possibilities International has been a life changing experience that I continue to be so humbled by.  I can't wait to go back to Ghana to serve at Assurance of Hope, and anywhere else that we may be called to. (Paid in Full)

  • Karen Hazzard

    I have always wanted to go to Africa.  I cannot wait to serve the people of Ghana and the children at Assurance of Hope Children's home.  

    (Paid in Full)

  • Lerryn DeJong

    I am very excited to be part of this adventure. What a gift to be involved in something that is larger than yourself.

    (Left Owing - $0)

  • Jim Reitzel

    I cannot wait to go back and see the wonderful people of Ghana and support and encourage the children and workers at Assurance of Hope Children's Home. (Paid in Full)

  • Jodi Primmer

    I am excited to be returning to Assurance of Hope!!  Exciting things happen when a team works together.  I am excited to be part of this team. (Left Owing $0)

  • Jonathan Shantz

    I read about this trip from Jeff Reitzel and cannot wait to join others on this team. I love helping others, am open to adventure, and love earning new things.  (Amount Owing - $0)

  • Amy Francis

    Looking forward to joining this team and helping wherever I can.

    (Amount Owing - $0)

  • Gracie Parker

    I cannot wait to venture to Ghana and impact the hurting, helpless and hopeless!

    (Amount Owing - $0)

  • Landon Parker

    I cannot wait to work with the children at Assurance of Hope in Ghana.  Thrilled to be part of this team. (Amount Owing - $0)

  • Stacy Charron

    Pumped about being part of this team.  Let's get the party started and impact the hurting, helpless, and hopeless.  (Amount Owing - $0)

  • Jeff Reitzel

    I cannot wait to return to Ghana with this team of World Changers.  It is always awesome to see the children at Assurance of Hope and looking forward to working/serving around the home. (Paid in Full)

  • Sam Welten

    It has been a few years since I was last in Ghana and with the kids at Assurance of Hope home in Accra.  Looking forward to leading this team along with Jeff Reitzel. (Paid in Full)

  • Ghana 2025 Project Funds

    We plan on impacting the children of Assurance of Hope as well as doing some renovations/work around the home  We will also be involved in impacting others by fulfilling "simple dreams" while we are in Ghana.  We have set our project budget at $12,500.  Please consider donating to help impact the hurting, helpless, and hopeless of Ghana.  ($12,500Left Owing)

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