Sponsor A Kyrgyzstan 2025 Team Participant

Kyrgyzstan 2025 Trip - August 15th to August 29th  2025

This Team is full!

Sponsor a Kyrgyzstan 2025 Participant

You can etransfer your donation (pibanking2023@gmail.com), write a cheque made out to "Possibilities International" or donate via PayPal.  Please be sure to place an indicator on your donation as to what/whom it is directed to.

  • Tracy Greenberg

    I love to serve others.  I have always wanted to go on a Missions Trip to show the practical love of God to those in other countries.  After years of thinking about it....I am actually doing it!  ($2,000 Left Owing)

  • Dawn MacLaren

    This opportunity has stirred a desire to step out in faith to serve those who may not know the love and hope of Jesus.

     ($2,000 Left Owing)

  • Doug MacLaren

    I have followed the activities of PI for many years and have specifically been impressed by the work of John & Julie Wright.  I believe it is an excellent opportunity for a first time mission trip.  ($2,000 Left Owing)

  • Corey Chafe

    After this last trip to Kyrgyzstan, and serving at The Farm with the workers there...quite simply I am drawn to go back.  I cannot wait!

    ($3,000 Left Owing)

  • Camilla Kerrigan-Chafe

    Serving Orphans, Elderly and basically the hurting, helpless and hopeless....that's my jam!  I cannot wait to return to Kyrgyzstan.

     ($3,000 Left Owing)

  • Rachel Welten

    I am so excited to travel to Kyrgyzstan with my grandparents and help people.  I want to do this anytime I can. ($2,000 Left Owing)

  • Paula Root

    I cannot wait to head to Kyrgyzstan and serve and love the hurting, helpless, and hopeless.

    ($3,000 Left Owing)

  • Steve Root

    I was to Kyrgyzstan over ten years ago.  I cannot wait to go back ....and this time with my family!

    ($3,000 Left Owing)

  • Asa Root

    I am so excited about helping people in Kyrgyzstan. Travelling with my family will be lots of fun.

    ($3,000 Left Owing)

  • Stella Root

    I am so excited about doing whatever I can to impact the hurting, helpless, and hopeless of Kyrgyzstan.

    ($3,000 Left Owing)

  • Jill deblaere

    Last years trip was awesome!  So awesome in fact that I am going again.   The trip could not come fast enough for me. ($2,000 Left Owing)

  • Sam & Vee Welten

    Vee and I look forward to leading this team to Kyrgyzstan.  Partnering with John & Julie Wright at The Farm will be incredible as always.

    Trip Facilitators

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